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for further information on the NTC development/junior program email Patrick Kelly at:

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Binna Burra- Gettin Dirty on the trails

Hello From OZ!

I hope all is well back home, we finally have some sun and Im happy to share that training is great and Im getting very excited for the season to start. Feb 3rd I will travel to Perth for the first "training race". Last weekend we joined the local trail running club for a weekend of fun in the trails. It started with a 3hr bike (30km of climbing) to a place called Binna Burra, a very small cottage area where people camp and hike. Since there has been alot of rain the trails were less than perfect and the first run on Saturday was suppose to be 20km trail run and turned into 31/2 hours of running and walking through streams and rivers...i think i counted crossing about 12 times...this made the stewart mountain race seem like a walk in the park! Once we relaxed and realized were werent going to be running much we had fun but the leaches were not fun and since we didnt have breakfast the cliff blok i had wasnt really enough. Wow did breakfast ever taste good!! The next day we were on a better trail and it was amazing, 2 hrs of running and then we biked back home ( down hill was much easier)....the best part of the day was definitely the shower at home and sleeping in my own bed last night. Above are post run photos, my shoes, my bike as a laundry line, and the lovely bunkhouse 5 of us slept in person snores and the other 4 bunkouses could hear him!
It was a great change of pace and aside from a few scratches and bites Im in good form and enjoying a relaxing morning. Thats all for now, more stories to come!
Carolyn :)

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